Friday 6 February 2015

Group works technically more easy these days

At the moment, I am in the middle of the group work in anthropology, deadline today. Everyone in my group is somewhere else in Sweden, but we've all the same books and reading materials. How to do to get to the point where you have a text in common to hand in to the teacher?

I have many group works in my mental luggage, and from that I have many tricks how to do. First I found out about Google Document, was in a group work in work psychology. Then, I learned the colour coding method, i e each and every individual write in a specific colour. The one person in the group who is going to hand the work in unidentify by making the whole text black.

I have never been too keen on group working, but I have to say it is easier these days - technically speaking. Even if I study most of my courses at distance, I've done my group works at Google Docs in local courses too. Same there. Go home. Do waht you should do when you have the time, but before deadline - of course. Write in your colour. One compiles and hand the work in (printing it and hand it in if it is necessary, most often it isn't, most often the teacher wants it handed it at the Internet, regardless if it is a distance course or a local course - at least my experience tells me that).

Goofle Docs is useful also for other groups of people, not only in the academic world. I have used it in work too, or just for myself. I have Google Docs in my mobile phone too. A useful little notebook where I have written both short and long texts as messages to myself or as complete texts, ready to be used as soon as I returns to my computer.

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