Monday 2 February 2015

Whole car smelled lemon

Aromatherapy and herb medicine have a long history, I read in the Swedish magazine Nära.

In Egyptian hieroglyph-documents, there are descriptions of how to use essential oils and scent substances from the plant kingdom as medicine, for embalming, for beauty care and for religious rituals. Also Bible refers to fragrant medical plants.

The French chemist René-Maurice Gattefossé (1881-1950) brought a burn on himself in the perfume laboratory, and from some reason his burn came into contact with lavender oil. Gattefossé realised that the lavender oil both relieved and hasted the healing.

Essential oils contains efficacious substances of plants in form of  aromatic, volatile and liposoluble liquids extracted from different parts of plants, for example flower petals, leaves, wood, roots and seeds, mainly by steam distillation. It demands huge amounts of plant materials to produce a small amount of essential oil. For only 1 kilo rose oil demands 2,5 tons of rose petals.

Magazine Nära means that the essential oil are able to influence sensations through the olfaction. It can work at tissues of body, for example blood circulation, get tauted muscles to relax, relieve pain and inflammations as well as reduce infections.

I tested aromatherapy out a bit half-hearted for about 12 years ago. Lemon scent was suppose to make one more alert, and in my awareness people had died of falling asleep when they were driving. From this, I got this scent into my car, scared that would happen to me. I didn't fall asleep, but on the other hand, I hadn't do that before, and I haven't done that after. The onlything is that my whole car smelled lemon. But sure, there might have been some undetectable effect at cell level... I don't know.

That is, however, my only experience from aromatherapy. From that, I cannot tell a thing of how well it works. But it is always good to know something about alternative medicine - as I see it.

Trägårdh, Eva (2013). Naturens väldoft talar hjärtats och själens språk. Nära 6/2013. (Swedish magazine)

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