Friday 4 July 2014

A Long Way to Carlisle, part 2: Killed interest to learn

In this photo, I was in 7th grade, so
1-3 years older than the one I was in
the text..
In my first contribution of this blog serie, you received the really short version of Carlisle and me. The longer one starts here.

In all my life I felt an attraction to the British isles - but I didn't really understand why. It's a quite good start for my story, that plays a big role in the me-result of today.

In my earliest memory of my UK-fascination , I was maybe 9-10 years. I didn't really know UK very much, probably as a normal Swedish kid in the 1980's I guess. But I was going to start 4th grade and I was going to start learning English in this grade. The whole summer holiday, I spent asking people what different words were in English.

Too bad for me, I got a teacher that killed every single bit of interest to learn stuff, including English.

She was that kind of teacher who prefered some pupils over others. And she showed it pretty much. I wasn't one of her favourites. On the contrary... she didn't like me at all.

Killed interest to learn stuff, yes, except for one occasion. In my 6th grade, my class were chosen to be in a tv-show. Each and everyone in the class were supposed to write a small essay that answered the question: Why do we sleep?

I went to the library. I read, read and read a little bit more. I wrote, wrote and wrote a bit more. I became tired, went home with all the books, and fell asleep as soon my head hit the pillow in my bed.

My mom saw my efforts, and continued my work, and when I woke up in the morning, my essay was completed. I am grateful to her, as she handled the situation as you should be doing if you have a child unwilling to do anything that had to do with school. Encouragement!

I articulated "my essay" in front of the tv-team, and they were satisfied with me and my essay. But my teacher said NO and explained for the tv-team that I hadn't been doing my home work in fourth and fifth grades, so I was not going to come to the tv-studio. In the end, my essay went to the tv-studio, I didn't.

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