Tuesday 15 July 2014

A Long Way to Carlisle, part 9: Philosopher's Stone

While waiting for a new affiliate - no, I wasn't a very good seller, I worked as a telemarketing seller, I got a new kid (my fourth one) and was on parental leave, read a lot and wrote on a book - a book that disappeared in a hard drive crash. It was named The Philosopher's Stone, so you could probably imagine what I thought of Harry Potter when I saw that book for the first time. But at the same time, it showed that both me and Rowling lived in the same sort of context. Something inspired her, and something inspired me in about the same era.

I also wrote a reproval letter to the editor of the magazine Natur & Vetenskap, what the shortening IT really was short of. I said informationsteknik, and not the informationsteknologi, as the magazine used in an earlier issue, and as I said was a failed translation of English Information Technology. The magazine said I was right. :-)

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