Friday 11 July 2014

Lost by the Jetty

For a couple weeks ago, me and Gorm went to Vänersborg to have a picnic on a jetty. We went as far out as we could - all the way on some sort of big stones; stones we were balancing on to get forward. Could tell that shoulders get a bit exercised when you balancing on stones. At least it is what I feel the most of afterwards. :-)

The picture above is taken from where we sat and ate. Far away from proper land.Right in the water, to the left of the jetty, we witnessed a detective story in the bird world. Suddently, a bird came swimming, big like a wild duck or something, but with a longer neck - don't really know what sort of bird it was, but we have discussed if it could have been a great crested grebe. It swam more deep than a wild duck do, and it moved a bit jagged. Then it dived. And never came up again. We sat, for sure, about five minutes just looking for ut. It didn't come up where it went down, and it never came up within reasonable distance from where it dived. Hmm...

In the literary studies, I learnt during this past spring, that Swedish detective stories are well known outside of Sweden, and I saw several of them when I was in Carlisle last year, as well as in Denmark this year. A small Swedish detective story from the animal world, yes, but with a crappy ending. ;-)

A guy came walking on the jetty right opposite the one we were on. He sat down and took his shoes of, after that his shirt, and then his shorts and underwear. And then, he walked down into the water. And at that moment, a motor boat came and rounded the jetty, and from that, two big waves came and watered our food and us. Hmm... it was probably worse for the naked guy in the water.

So, back on proper land. All the way out, we had our picnic. 

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