Tuesday 8 July 2014

Mini fasting can get you a longer life (and less weight)

Bild på artikeln "Nya rön lovar längre liv" av Eva Olsson.
Realized  a couple of days ago that enough is enough when talk about weight. I started with a diet constructed in person: not eating a thing after 3.30 pm - until breakfast the day after. Mini fasting, I learnt this morning from an article.  And this mini fasting could even get you a longer life.

I read that "today, people is terrified being hungry, and throw themselves over food as soon as the stomach is rumbling. But we can actually be without food for 30 days".

Sounds pretty logic. A car should hardly go twentyfour hours a day, seven days a week. That car will probably end up being a jalopy sooner than a car able to rest a couple of hours a day. A stomach is also some sort of machinery. And it shouldn't either go twentyfour hours a day, seven days a week. Fascinating understanding, and it supported my original thought

Olsson, Eva. Nya rön lovar längre liv. Hälsa 3/2013 (Swedish magazine)

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