Wednesday 2 July 2014

Life as a story

Livet som berättelse (Life as a story) - that is the title of a book I've been reading during past weeks. Actually, it was one of the school books from this spring, as I wanted to study from my own perspective, not from task perspective. That is, however, a difference. You'll focus differently from whatever "glasses" you'll wear when you read.

One of the more important things I learnt from this book was the terms "life script" and "life review".

Life script includes the ideas we have about how a life should be, what thoughts and expectations the individual has about what is going to happen during the life span, as being married, getting kids and so on. The life scripts of an individual influences how this individual tells his or her life story, what he or she focus on.

Life review is to be seen as an evaluation how life really turned out.

An individual's story is something in between. Age does matter in how people tell their story. The older, the more life review. The younger, the more life script.

I think this match my own experience pretty well. Now when I am 40, life is to be concluded, to be archived. I look back to what I have in my luggage, as is suitable to bring into the future.

I have not been like this before. I have lived my life more forward and backward. Life was just to be filled with content.

BUT I do not live more backward than forward today... not at all what I mean.

Just put past time into present time, and from that you can see future time with new "glasses". Life becomes much better, I assume. :-)

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